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Each presidential administration works to put its own postage on America's space program. In the Trump administration'southward case, that reportedly involves cutting back on funds for the International Space Station and diverting them into funds for lunar exploration.

The proposal isn't entirely a surprise; Vice President Pence announced the Trump administration would "refocus America's space program toward human exploration and discovery" by launching a new lunar plan followed by a manned Mars shot at some indicate in the indefinite time to come. But closing the ISS in 2025 and diverting that money to cislunar programs or even a lunar habitat represents a major alter to US space policy. While this is still a draft, multiple sources have confirmed the directives volition be in the final version, and the Trump administration has publicly stated it intends to return to the Moon starting time earlier tackling Mars.

Evaluating the Futurity of the International Infinite Station

It took 13 years to consummate and launch the diverse ISS modules, from 1998 to 2022. Currently, NASA spends about $4B per yr on the infinite station, out of a $nineteen.5B full budget. At 21 pct of NASA'southward total upkeep and roughly twoscore percent of its human exploration outlay, it'south non chump modify. I of the virtually pregnant complaints around NASA's upcoming Infinite Launch Organization is that the bureau lacks the funds to plan missions or launch the rocket. (It's currently non clear if the SLS could fly even once per year, at a price of more than $1B per launch, partly due to the cost of maintaining expensive manufacturing and test facilities for a rocket that near never flies.)

Killing the ISS portion of NASA's funding frees up that $4B in yearly cash. But nosotros have no idea however how that funding would be divide between the SLS and any effort to put NASA back on the Moon, or what kind of exploration or even longer-term domicile plans the administration has in mind. Any kind of manned mission would require the development of lunar modules, longer-term habitation modules (if intended), and various back up equipment. If the long-term goal is to create a lunar base as a stepping rock or useful waypoint for a Mars mission, it would also need to be outfitted with whatever tools it needs to make that try successful.

Currently, the U.s. has agreed to fund the ISS through 2024, though in that location'southward previously been talk of extending its operational lifetime through 2028.


An exploded view of the ISS. Note that the Destiny and Unity modules are fastened directly to one another. Image courtesy of Wikipedia

On the other hand, ending the ISS comes with significant cons equally well. The infinite station has proven vital to the development of commercial spaceflight; companies like SpaceX have been sustained, in large function, by regime resupply contracts for the International Infinite Station. Other firms, like Bigelow Aerospace, have used the ISS as a testbed for their own modules and projects.

Individual space companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin are making real progress towards existence able to launch their own project. Bigelow has fifty-fifty talked about its own space station. Only such projects have years, fifty-fifty decades to come to fruition, and no company in the commercial infinite market today is close to being able to field such a replacement by 2024. Spaceflight companies have chosen for NASA to continue the ISS open through 2028.

One way to resolve this tension, of form, would be for Congress to advisable more funding. This would let NASA put more than funds into SLS development, go along the ISS running, and begin plans for a series of lunar exploration missions. Despite the fact that NASA consumes far less of the Usa federal upkeep than people tend to think it does — 0.47 per centum, down from a high of 4.41 percent in 1966 — Congress has not historically increased NASA funding much in existent (aggrandizement-adapted) dollars. The almost recent high-water mark was in 1991, when NASA's budget was worth $24.235B in 2022 dollars. The 2022 budget, in 2022 constant dollars, was worth $eighteen.5B, a meaning decline even from then.