
How To Show Up First In Google Searches Without Spending Money On Ads

What'southward the Perfect YouTube Video SEO Strategy for My Business organization?

By Bassem Ghali 16 Jun, 2021

YouTube ads do wonders for a concern and you've probably heard many great things virtually it. But if YouTube ads only aren't your thing or just a bit over your budget, maybe you can benefit from a more cost-effective fashion to reach your audience and it'south with YouTube Video Optimization. Normally people think that with the hundreds upon hundreds of hours of content in an array of different styles beingness uploaded on YouTube, in that location just isn't a style to compete with anybody else. Just daunting as information technology may sound, YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine which means it is admittedly possible to drive peoples clicks and views to your videos and away from others just by having an effective YouTube Video SEO strategy! The goal here is to create a YouTube SEO strategy that gets your videos on the top of the results pages. So, If you aren't quite sure where to start, here's a quick guide to do just that. Bank check out our YouTube Video Advertising Packages to boost your video views! Find your potential keywords Researching keywords is a great way to figure out what terms your audience searches for the most. Utilize the YouTube search bar itself: The commencement few suggestions in the search bar represent the near searched keywords, y'all can learn a lot just by studying the different terms that come up. Green Lotus SEO Tools: While Ranking on the YouTube Search Engine Results Page (SERP) is the master goal for your YouTube SEO strategy, Existence picked upwards by google has a lot of benefits as well. The keyword research tool in Green Lotus SEO Tools lets you study the search book of your potential keywords, this way yous can eliminate keywords that people aren't really searching for. Not only tin can y'all use Dark-green Lotus Tools for keyword inquiry but you lot tin can use it to manage your entire SEO strategy for you business organisation website every bit well. YouTube videos rank very well on google, so it just makes sense to optimize for Google too. By taking this pace, you're hitting two birds with i stone! Scope out the contest: This helps y'all learn from other people's mistakes and successes. Visit a channel that's related to yours and pay attention to which keywords are drawing the viewers in and which ones don't have as many views Observe what kind of content they are responding to (animated videos, or commentary style videos? Educational or entertaining content? This information is helpful even across the SEO of your YouTube channel and this lessens the trial and error attribute. Google Trends: On the other hand, if you lot already take keywords in mind, yous tin apply google trends to discover out more than about the keywords like search volume. Y'all can also apply this tool for the google search engine equally well. Choose the right keywords Y'all might notice that the current list of keywords y'all have are mostly brusk and elementary. Your instinct may tell you to follow accommodate and only utilize those keywords merely keep in mind that everyone else might have seen the same thing and now are using those keywords too which means it might exist harder to rank for those. If yous look at longer, more specific keywords, they have less results which means less competition. Yes they may be fewer but you can take advantage of this and be more visible. Y'all would have a somewhat smaller audience, simply also a more involved i, equally they would be likely to click on your video. Implementing your called keywords Once yous've identified your ideal keywords, information technology'south fourth dimension to put them to employ. This ways that you demand to include your keywords on your video metadata so YouTube crawlers can place them. Here are the elements yous demand to optimize. Video Title: It'south crucial that you lot include your focus keyword in this section. Your focus keyword is the ane that represents your video topic the best. The video title affects your SEO from a keyword standpoint merely as well information technology too is a huge cistron in the click-through charge per unit which is ane of the big things the YouTube algorithm takes into business relationship. The title must be captivating to get that click from the audience. Video Description: The description box is where you tin aggrandize more on your video just at the same fourth dimension it'southward a good area to comprise more of your chosen keywords. This signals the YouTube crawlers on what your video is about therefore presenting your video in the appropriate search. Viewers as well use the description to decide whether or not your video is what they're looking for or not. Remember: There's a preview of the get-go lines of the description in the SERP, so the first lines of the description can bear upon the click through charge per unit and overall SEO. The Transcript: A transcript is a certificate that contains the narration said in your video. This matters because YouTube crawlers as of yet cannot process audiovisual content but they tin can go through text. In other words, if you pair your video with a transcript whether written by a person or AI or even both, the words mentioned in your can lend their hand as keywords. This gives a heavier and more varied keyword density. Helpful Tip: In the showtime 15 seconds of your video, mention your focus keyword. This will permit your transcript to have the full SEO potential. Optimize your YouTube video content for SEO You might remember that Video SEO is one of the last steps for a video marketing campaign. Which makes sense also. YouTube SEO strategy plays a huge role in the visibility of your video across YouTube or other channels. Merely information technology may come up as a surprise to you that a top notch YouTube SEO strategy begins with your script. It's possible for you to use the keywords that have a expert amount of search volume equally a base for a video topic, this way you tin can reach out to the audience that's organically interested in that topic. There are other ways your video script affects your ranking on the YouTube SERP. These are: Length of Script: The SEO algorithm for YouTube loves longer videos and it'south simply because longer videos make the viewers spend more than time on the platform. Apart from that, longer videos are often associated with higher quality content since many assume that there was more attempt put into the production of information technology. Yes, video length is important but don't drag along a topic just for the sake of making it longer. YouTube as well takes into account watch-fourth dimension, likes and shares and these can be put at stake if your content is dragging, repetitive. The Introduction: Another cistron that defines your videos ranking is Audition Retention. This is a metric that represents how long viewers watch your video. Ideally you lot want your viewers to lookout all the way to the end of your video but that's non the example for all viewers. There are ways to concur your viewers attention right from the first. You tin can begin by highlighting the benefits of watching your video. This needs to be consistent with what yous promise in your title, clarification and thumbnail. You demand to evangelize on whatsoever you mention considering viewers who clicked on your video have those same expectations. The Calls to Action: Videos that bring in new subscribers, lots of engagement in the annotate section too as likes and shares are the ones that perform improve on the results page. This is one of the most challenging factors in YouTube SEO considering y'all have no control over how people want to engage or interact with your video. But, you tin influence their decisions by prompting them into taking action. This is why it's crucial to include these calls to actions into your script. The amount of calls to activity depends largely on the length of your video, simply in a 10-xx minute video you would normally find 3 calls to action. Ane in the showtime, middle and finish. Things to remember Ranking for that coveted first spot on the YouTube search engine may seem like it can only exist done by long-fourth dimension youtubers, huge companies or fifty-fifty adorable animal videos but realistically, anyone tin go there merely by having the right video SEO strategy. Focus on long-tail keywords instead of the broader ones. You would exist aiming for a reduced group of YouTube searches only those users would be looking for exactly what your video offers and will exist more likely to click on your video. Your YouTube SEO strategy should not be an reconsideration. If y'all take into business relationship the SEO factors right from the very first stages of video production, especially when writing the script, this gives you the chance to piece of work with keywords you already know people are searching for! What's important to recollect is that people can't enjoy or interact with your video if they can't find information technology. Make the right Video SEO moves, be competitive in the vast bounding main of content and your audience is sure to find you.

The Edge Mag Interviews Bassem Ghali, Founder of Green Lotus

By Bassem Ghali 21 Apr, 2021

Born and raised in Egypt, where he began from humble ancestry selling timeshares and computer devices since the age of sixteen and working in a chicken factory when he first arrived in Quebec, Canada, Bassem Ghali has since come a long style. At present the CEO and Caput of Client Strategy of Toronto-based digital marketing bureau Dark-green Lotus, Ghali has won the national Entrepreneur of the Yr Award twice—once in 2015 by the Canadian Association of Marketing Professionals and more recently this year by the Canadian SME Awards. Green Lotus was as well awarded the #one SEO Visitor in Canada and #iii SEO visitor globally, with multi-meg-dollar accounts such every bit GoDaddy, Microsoft, Freshbooks, Canadian Tire, VistaPrint, Remax Canada, Egypt Air, Xplornet, Directly Free energy and Toronto Star. Ghali is likewise known for his philanthropic achievements, after launching the Donate & Learn Initiative which organizes educational online marketing workshops for entrepreneurs and professionals, of which all proceeds are donated to partnering charities. The Border caught upward with this inspirational businessman who spoke nearly Green Lotus and his philanthropic endeavours. "My journey in Canada began with humble kickoff where I did a lot of labor jobs working in a chicken manufactory and McDonald'south because I was a non-French speaker living in Quebec," he said. His big pause came when he was asked to do the redesigning and rebranding for a company—his showtime office job in Canada for an Information technology company. "One day the CEO walked up to me and enquired 'how can we get on the first page of Google?'. That was the question that changed my career. At the time, search engine optimization (SEO) was non a affair." The rest is history as they say. "I got into a career before it became a career," he added. Tell us a fleck almost your background? What shaped the person you are today? I think growing up in the Eye East; I'm from Egypt, it's kind of similar to Europe. You have to be selling and doing stuff—hustling—all the time. I was a salesperson when I was 16 years quondam. I sold timeshares and computer devices. I worked in the supermarket for a while. If y'all are a skillful salesperson, you will exist good in whatever industry you choose, and I think that's what my upbringing in Arab republic of egypt taught me. That street smartness you don't get in traditional instruction. What initiated the idea of your online marketing company Dark-green Lotus that you created in 2012? Subsequently working in the corporate sector for many years (I managed some of Canada'south top digital marketing teams at Toronto Star, Straight Energy and was the head of marketing for Canadian Tire), I took a jump of faith. I told myself that if I neglect, I can always go back to a corporate job. Since so, I have never looked back. We focused on two products; search engine marketing and search engine optimization. We're a very specialized boutique agency—we do two things and we exercise them very well. We gained the trust of big clients like EgyptAir, Xplornet, and Metro College. A lot of companies look for lead generation, and the initiation of company interest into products and services. Lead generation is what we do very well because everything we practise is functioning-based. We wouldn't take an activeness unless it had an touch on on the bottom-line, and this is why we proceeds more than and more trust. You partner with many worthwhile charities and causes with Donate & Larn initiative. Do you still believe in the benefits of a unproblematic idea? Yes! The whole idea started very just. I believe that no thing how large or small your brand is, yous must have a charitable approach. We idea of getting a few practiced speakers together to accept a workshop with proceeds going 100 per cent to charity. Nosotros thought if we got 50 to 60 people and $500, it would be amazing. The first time nosotros hosted the workshop, more than 300 people showed up. We didn't take plenty seats, h2o or food but the proof of the concept was there. Thereafter, we raised $4000 to $5000 in a few hours. We take gained the support of big international companies like Go Daddy- who spoke for the first time in one of our events here in Canada—Teksavvy, FreshBooks, and Microsoft—who sponsored our events. It was a win-win situation and we all saw the value. That was the primary reason for the initiative'south continuous success. We have done seven expos so far and raised more than $35,000 for local charities. What are some of the major challenges and successes that you faced with owning your own company, particularly at the showtime? When I get-go started my visitor, I didn't really know who my customers were, who I was marketing to, who my services were good for and who my pricing will make sense to because I met a lot of very small business concern owners and they couldn't afford much a calendar month. I said "Well, I can't showtime with you lot." Just getting through that procedure and sometimes selling yourself a piffling bit cheap and losing on that project was a claiming. It took a lot of learning to know the ideal customer because if you are talking to the right person then there is more chance of you closing that deal. I tin can't even requite y'all communication on that since it's a learning curve every entrepreneur start-up has to go through to recognize and pigment a profile picture of their platonic client. In one case you get to that, and so you will be able to improve your service and launch new products to match specifically what that customer needs. I'd imagine there's also an intuitive part to the process. That'southward the best role about being an entrepreneur! If you are an accountant you are really skilful at accounting but y'all don't know annihilation most digital marketing. If you are a lawyer, yous are really skilful at beingness a lawyer but zilch else. Same here, I was really good at digital marketing, but I didn't know anything near business development, sponsorship and speaking. An entrepreneur has to wear many hats, you have to put your feet in the water and learn yourself. If you could send back in time and communicate any lesson you've learned with the intention of saving yourself from mistakes, what advice would you give yourself? I would have launched my own business years ago. I think the Canadian market is stiff. Later on 2008, the economy shifted to more than modest-medium businesses, and the people who launched at that time, way before me, have fabricated information technology big. I wish I had taken that leap of organized religion earlier. Do y'all have a habit or set of habits that you swear past? I don't want to sound similar a platitude, simply it's very hard to give up. I just keep going. I might get downwards, depressed or discouraged, but I simply can't live my life saying "I failed" or "I should have given this a shot." I think that'southward a habit that you develop over time. The more yous fail, the more you find yourself getting back upwardly. What is your favorite/ best productivity technique or app? It's not a unmarried app. Communication is a very important thing when you run a small business. If you're not communicating properly, then time is lost, and fourth dimension is money. When we started to manage lots of SEO accounts nosotros started developing Greenish Lotus tools likewise. It started as an in-firm agency tool to help us manage 200 to 300 clients at the same time, a mode to take activeness and leave messages for each other. So nosotros built our ain and when the time came nosotros thought this was a really skilful tool, and we should publish it and give it to people. Then my advice is to find your own rhythm. Discover the all-time combination of tools or create your ain if you take the ability, and you lot never know how that tool is going to go because if y'all are solving a problem of yours, you volition be solving the problem of a lot of people who are in the aforementioned situation. Do you take a quote or piece of wisdom or advice to share with would-be entrepreneurs? It's an Egyptian saying "You lot never know until you knock the door" . You lot never know what is backside the door and the worst you can get is a 'no'. Just there are more chances to knock that door and get a yes than in that location are to go a no. Interview by Nezha Boutamine A Contributing Author at The Edge Leaders Recognizes Greenish Lotus Among Best SEO Companies in Canada in 2021

By Bassem Ghali 07 April, 2021

Greenish Lotus is an award-winning digital marketing agency in Canada known for its advanced search engine optimization (SEO), web design and online marketing tactics. Over the years, our SEO company has grown exponentially and gained numerous awards and accolades from the top industry review sites. recently ranked our SEO business firm as one of the Best SEO Companies in Canada in 2021. This recognition proves our delivery to delivering high-quality SEO and digital marketing services that offer our clients lucrative opportunities to scale their business. "Minor businesses with the right SEO strategy and superior mobile website tin now quickly proceeds more than traction and rank on the showtime folio of Google," said Bassem Ghali, the founder and head of customer strategy at Green Lotus in Toronto. "But, businesses with weak SEO or those who keep to ignore SEO best practices or upcoming trends similar voice SEO, will lose their online marketplace share to competitors much faster. Today, 50 pct of all searches on Google are via voice. This is a fact that no business owner can ignore. Businesses need to determine how to all-time adapt and master SEO in 2021." At Greenish Lotus, nosotros stay on tiptop of search trends and industry developments to ensure all our SEO efforts provide real results. From website auditing and optimization to on-going campaign monitoring and site maintenance, we provide our partner agencies with comprehensive SEO recommendations focused on edifice thought-leadership brands and gaining higher online rankings. "Did keen and thorough piece of work under a tight borderline. Nosotros have worked with lots of web designers and marketing companies, this was by far the best experience and groovy value." – David Crouch | Client, a trustworthy SEO news resource and directory for the best SEO companies, published the "2021 All-time SEO Companies in Canada" mid-February. SEOblog manufacture experts vetted each SEO business firm based on dozens of key quantitative and qualitative factors, including Google reviews, proficient certifications, client list and portfolio, to determine the best Toronto SEO companies. We are pleased to be listed among the best SEO companies in Canada by Thanks to all our clients, partners and our Dark-green Lotus team for their unfailing support to our SEO firm.

eCommerce SEO Strategy

Footstep by Step Guide To Help You Optimize Your eCommerce SEO Strategy

By Bassem Ghali 02 Mar, 2021

Thanks to the move towards online buying and selling, eCommerce stores are now becoming more pop than they ever were, and entrepreneurs are leveraging this opportunity to have their goods and services beyond boards. However, selling online is non equally easy equally many people think - information technology involves piece of work. Not incorporating the right SEO plan into your eCommerce strategies is like opening a store on a remote road where information technology'll exist difficult for customers to locate. Buyers would inappreciably locate the store, making information technology harder for the merchant to brand a auction. That said, SEO is the key to taking your online store to the face of your customers. eCommerce SEO is irresolute from what it used to be, and users at present have to crush the increased SEO competition by performing strong keyword enquiry, adding relevant keywords around their store, and incorporating the irresolute SEO rules into their business strategy. To aid you understand how to refine your eCommerce SEO strategy, we've created this guide with the necessary steps needed to continually adapt to SEO changes while directing buyers to your store

How Does Google Voice Search Work & How to Optimize Your Site for Voice Search?

By Bassem Ghali 12 Jan, 2021

Phonation Search has been evolving over the decades. Thank you to this evolution, what once seemed like an impossible scientific discipline fiction idea is at present here and usable. You lot'd probably recall the wait on your face many years ago when you watched movies with actors speaking to their computer devices. Well, we are at present in that globe, with voice search becoming a trend. Users of voice search technology are rapidly increasing, and unless yous larn to leverage information technology, your business may be left backside. With more gadgets becoming reliant on voices, website owners are learning most the importance of incorporating this type of search into their content for search engine optimization. Equally a digital marketer, you've probably heard the numerous importance of vocalisation search in your SEO strategies. Yet, you may be wondering where to offset. This article is for you lot, as we will exist explaining the details of what you need to exercise. Before going on, let'southward understand what information technology is. What is Google Voice Search ? But put, voice search is a function that allows users to initiate a search on Google using spoken voice commands rather than typing. This technology has adult over time, and today, it can be used on mobile and desktop searches. Still, most times, users need to say a wake phrase that tells when to analyze what's said to it. Vocalisation searches are typically started past using the hands free voice command on some mobile devices or by clicking on the microphone icon on the right side of the Google search field. Apart from the activation and use of voice search, there's barely any other difference between how a regular typed search and vocalism search functions. Except in very few exceptional cases, users would be taken to the same search engine results page, irrespective of whether their query is typed or spoken. Why Voice Search is Important in 2021 Information technology's no more breaking news that voice search has come up to stay. Entrepreneurs and digital marketers are jumping on the thread to avoid being sidelined by their competition. Now is the time to leverage the applied science. Delaying any farther may mean that you'll lose potential customers using voice assists to notice your business organization. They'll likely exist directed to your competition considering Google, Alexa, and Siri may non be aware of your business being. In addition to making for a more remarkable customer experience, voice search tin too heave your SEO efforts, as long every bit you are taking the correct steps. Guess what? Your Voice Search Optimization efforts may be direct proportional to the possibility of potential customers (or vocalisation assistants) finding your business. Yet, you need to notation that voice search SEO is different from traditional spider web search SEO, and as such, factors affecting ranking may differ in both. At present that you lot've known how of import voice search is to your SEO efforts, you lot are probably wondering how you lot tin optimize for vocalization search. The adjacent role of this article is dedicated to offering efficient tips that y'all tin use to construct a winning voice search strategy. Here goes: 1- Focus on Phrases and Longtail Keywords Yes, vocalization searches are typically longer than traditional keyboard searches because of their conventional manner. Additionally, nosotros are enlightened of Google's fondness for long-form consummate content. It'south probably not possible to gear up different content for every voice search, merely we can include the relevant terms in full-fledged posts. This way, you are providing the needed information while targeting keywords that voice searchers would effort. Content creators use this strategy by including all the potential keywords that may announced in vocal queries into long-grade content. two- Optimize for Questions Asked in a Conversational Fashion 1 primary characteristic of most vox search queries is the conversational mode they come up in, and this is something every marketer would want to leverage. Using robotic language in your content will significantly reduce your chances of appearing in voice search results. The truth is that using natural language to write and publish on your website is beneficial in so many ways. One of such benefits is the numerous matching scopes it creates with the verbal questions. You lot need to start by seeking to know what verbal queries your potential customers will ask. Digital marketing experts frequently recommend studying and anticipating the query manner adopted by people when using vocalization search. You can start by seeking to know the answers to the post-obit questions. What type of question keywords would my potential customers apply? What are the nigh suitable answers to their queries? What is their conversational mode? An honest respond to the above questions combined with data-driven insights will aid you lot understand what people actually desire when using verbal search. three- Make Sure Your Website Is Fix for Vocalisation Search Content is an essential part of voice search optimization. But beyond content, there are several aspects to look at. Yous want to dish out the best content every fourth dimension you update your website. While your Voice SEO strategies may bring potential visitors to your website, it'southward just a tiptop-quality website that will keep them. Things similar site load fourth dimension and mobile-friendliness play an important role in bringing and retaining visitors to your site. Page speed is a ranking factor for voice search results and is also highly influential in bounce rate and user experience. And then, yous'll need to pay attention to all these areas to go your SEO efforts equally constructive equally you desire. 4- Provide Context With Schema Markup This is one strategy that yous almost can't overlook. For starters, apply schema to mark your content, providing enough data near what your site is near for Google. The HTML add-on you'll include would help analyze your content to the search engine. This feat would typically interpret to better ranking in typical searches, and even more relevant in-specific queries are made using vox search. Apart from helping Google understand your content's linguistic communication, utilizing schemas can also be a comfortable fashion to add more information to your website, making you set to answer questions. 5- Leverage Google My Business concern Listings When searching for information virtually local businesses, virtual administration work as Google My Business concern Listings. Every bit expected, your Google My Business organization List should contain important data about your business organization, such as your business proper noun, location, and contact details. Nearly people too include added information like their website URL, business hours, other contact information, and a short description of their business organisation. You should as well optimize for all local listing features bachelor, considering that some virtual assistant devices may non use Google to gather their information. You should also ensure that your list features the right information then that potential customers will not find locating you difficult. Conclusion There y'all have it, everything you should know before taking your first step into optimizing your site for vox search. As expected, this is non an easy process, simply y'all can accomplish your expectations with the right level of attending to detail.

Voice SEO

How Yous Can Optimize Your Site for Google Voice Search?

Past Bassem Ghali 01 December, 2020

Although information technology was started as a pretty small concept, it has, however become i of the nigh of import topics of today'south search manufacture. The ease that vox search offers users is second to none, and so far, people are not slowing down on its utilize. The whole vox search concept started with smartphones, simply it has escalated to vocalisation administration and smart speakers worldwide. Thanks to the steady development, nosotros are at present experiencing an incredible phonation search revolution, with dissimilar generations becoming more than interested in voice search. Guess what? Experts are still forecasting a quantum rising in vox search, making information technology disquisitional for digital marketers and online businesses to create contents that are optimized for information technology. Slowing down in these efforts may direct translate to an untold difficulty in gaining any organic traction. By the cease of this article, you lot would take learned how to get about optimizing your website for voice search. Check out Green Lotus Phonation Search Optimization Services!

Franchise Local SEO Best Practices for Growing Businesses

By Bassem Ghali 28 Jul, 2020

About 91% of online experiences showtime with a search engine, and in order to claim the tiptop spots in Google and Bing organic results, yous need to optimize your franchise website and meet the highest standards of search engine algorithms. Grow your franchise website long-term dominance and go more qualified organic traffic, leads, and sales with our advanced franchise SEO services. Franchise SEO is one of the best ways for franchises to reach local customers and increment web traffic and in-store visits. The biggest benefit of local SEO for franchises is that it helps your business reach customers well-nigh a particular storefront location in a price effective way since your don't have to pay for ad or PPC. But in that location's a lot that goes into creating an constructive local SEO strategy for multiple locations. With our highly customized franchise SEO services, we position you at the top of your manufacture. But don't take our word for it. Let our proven franchise track record speak for itself.

Canada's Government minister of Minor Business organisation Mary Ng Congratulates Bassem Ghali, Winner of Entrepreneur of the Twelvemonth Award

Past Bassem Ghali 19 Jun, 2020

Bassem Ghali, Founder and CEO of Toronto'due south Green Lotus Digital Marketing Agency, was bestowed the Immigrant Entrepreneur of the Year Accolade and Digital and Eastward-Commerce Business concern of the Year Award at CanadianSME Business organization Magazine'southward Canadian National Business Awards ceremony on January 28, 2020. "I am honoured to exist recognized by the business organization community and the Minister, and I am so proud of the work that the Green Lotus team has done since nosotros launched in 2012. Nosotros've made an impact in the digital marketing industry in Canada, and we'll continue to push the boundaries and develop innovative marketing solutions for businesses across the country."

How to optimize multi-language & multi-region / land websites?

By Bassem Ghali nineteen Jun, 2020

Google assay shows the majority of users prefer having information / website in their own language. Keeping this in mind; imagine how this will affect sales and conversions for your website! In this mail service I will be explaining the all-time iii ways to optimize multi-language & multi-region / land website. If you have more than questions, bank check out our Enterprise SEO Services!


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